2020 Map
The distances you actually run may vary from what is published here. Brew to Brew will run to ZipKC and then back to the HyVee Arena. There is also the “Six Leg Special”, where teams of two to six can just run 6 legs. Teams of 2 to 6 runners choosing the Six Leg option.
Name | Address | Leg | Miles | Difficulty | 1st | Last |
HyVee Arena | 1800 Genessee, Kansas City MO 64102 | LEG 1 | 3.95 | Moderate | 6:00 | 9:30 |
Levee at Kansas Ave | 1900 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105 | LEG 2 | 4.82 | Moderate | 6:50 | 10:55 |
Copart Auto | 6211 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66111 | LEG 3 | 5.63 | Easy | 7:37 | 12:00 |
ProTech Roofing | 108 S 9th St, Edwardsville, KS 66111 | LEG 4 | 2.42 | Easy | 8:08 | 12:25 |
121st & Kaw | 11939 Kaw Dr, Kansas City, KS 66111 | LEG 5 | 4.72 | Easy | 8:27 | 12:55 |
ZipKC | 12829 Loring Rd, Bonner Springs, KS 66012 | LEG 6 | 4.72 | Easy | 9:06 | 1:55 |
121st & Kaw | 11939 Kaw Dr, Kansas City, KS 66111 | LEG 7 | 2.42 | Easy | 9:30 | 2:10 |
ProTech Roofing | 108 S 9th St, Edwardsville, KS 66111 | LEG 8 | 5.63 | Easy | 10:01 | 2:30 |
Copart Auto | 6211 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66111 | LEG 9 | 4.82 | Easy | 10:30 | 3:15 |
Levee at Kansas Ave | 1900 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105 | LEG 10 | 3.95 | Moderate | 11:00 | 4:20 |
Finish at Hyvee Arena | 1800 Genessee, Kansas City MO 64102 | 11:30 | 5:30 |
LEG 1: HyVee Arena to 1900 Kansas Ave 3.95 miles
Start on American Royal Drive, on the West side of Hyvee Arena.
Leg 1 Runners the Start line is on American Royal Dr. on the West side of HyVee Area. Runners will run south, and then turn left onto Cesar Chavez. After the bridge crossing, go down to the Kaw River Levee. The exchange point is on the levee under the bridge by the spiral staircase.
Cars: Will go North on Wyoming St. and turn onto I-670 West, this will turn into I-70, continue West. Exit onto US 69 South, take the Kansas Ave exit. Turn left onto Kansas Ave, at the light, but veer immediately to the right onto Armourdale, to go under the bridge to Aid Station 1.
LEG 2: 1900 Kansas Ave to Copart Auto is 4.82 miles
1900 Kansas Ave, Kansas City KS 66111
Leg 2 runners continue on the levee to 32 Highway, go up a spiral staircase, cross over the bridge and get back on the levee. Continue on the levee to the Turner Diagonal FWY on 32 Hwy and cross the bridge. Go west on 59th Ln to Exchange point 2 at COPART auto, 6211 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66111
Cars Turn around and exit left onto Kansas Ave, continue on Turner Diagonal Fwy over the Kansas River. Turn left onto 59th lane to the parking spot.
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LEG 3: Copart Auto to ProTec Roofing Supply 5.63 miles Copart Auto, 6211 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66111
Leg 3 runners continue on 32 Hwy/Kaw Dr. to exchange point, ProTec Roofing Supply, 108 S 9th St, Edwardsville, KS 66111. Run on the shoulder and STOP FOR ALL TRAINS.
Cars Head west on 59th lane, turn left onto Highway 32/Kaw DR. turn left onto S 9th St. park at McCray Lumber.
MAP jpg Google Map Link
LEG 4: ProTec Roofing Supply to 121st & Kaw Drive 2.42 miles ProTec Roofing Supply
Leg 4 runners continue west on Hwy 32 to the intersection of 121st and Kaw, 11939 Kaw, Kansas City, KS 66111
Cars continue west on Hwy 32 to the intersection of 121st and Kaw. Do not park on KAW Drive.
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LEG 5: 121st & Kaw Drive to ZIPKC, 121st & Kaw, 11939 Kaw, Kansas City, KS 66111
Leg 5 runners continue on Hwy 32 until it turns south and becomes West Front St and then Loring Lane. Loring Lane turns west and becomes Loring Road. Turn right into ZipKC, 12829 Loring Rd, Bonner Springs KS, 66012. Runner may participant in a zip line if they would like.
Cars continue on Hwy 32 until it turns south and becomes West Front St and then Loring Lane. Loring Lane turns west and becomes Loring Road. Station 5 is in the parking lot of ZipKC.
_________ START RUNNING BACK TO KANSAS CITY ________________________________________________
LEG 6: ZipKC to 121st & Kaw Drive ZipKC, 12829 Lornng Rd, Bonner Springs KS, 66012.
Leg 6 runners Turn left onto Loring Rd, this road will become Kaw Drive, continue on Kaw Dr, turn left to the exchange point at 121st and Kaw.
Cars Turn left onto Loring Rd, this road will become Kaw Drive, continue on Kaw Dr, turn left to the exchange point at 121st and Kaw.
LEG 7: 121st & Kaw Drive to ProTec Roofing Supply 2.42 miles 121st & Kaw, 11939 Kaw, Kansas City, KS 66111
Leg 7 runners continue East on Hwy 32 to ProTec Roofing, at 108 S 9th St. Edwardsville KS, 66111.
Cars continue East on Hwy 32 to Protech Roofing, at 108 S 9th St. Edwardsville KS, 66111.
LEG 8: ProTec Roofing Supply to Copart Auto 5.63 miles , ProTec Roofing Supply, 108 S 9th st. Edwardsville KS 66111
Leg 8 runners continue East on 32 Hwy/Kaw Dr. Turn right onto Kansas Ave and run to the exchange point, at Copart Auto, 6211 Kansas Ave, Kansas City KS. 66111.
Cars continue East on 32 Hwy/Kaw Dr. then turn right onto Kansas Ave to exchange point, at Copart Auto, 6211 Kansas Ave, Kansas City KS. 66111.
LEG 9: Copart Auto to 1900 Kansas Ave is 4.82 miles Copart Auto, 6211 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66111
Leg 9 runners Go West onto 59th lane, to the Turner Diagonal Fwy. Go up and cross the bridge and then back down to the Levee. At the bridge go up and cross the river on 32 Hwy, go down the spiral staircase and go to the exchange point at 1900 Kansas City, KS 66105.
Cars Turn right onto Kansas Ave, and then turn right onto Turner Diagonal Fwy. This road will become Kansas Ave/32 highway. After the 2nd bridge turn left onto Kansas Ave, at the light, but veer immediately to the right onto Armourdale, to go under the bridge to Aid Station 9.
LEG 10: 1900 Kansas Ave to HyVee Arena, 3.95 Miles 1900 Kansas Ave, Kansas City KS 66111
Leg 10 Runners Continue on the Kaw river Levee. At the Bridge go up, and turn right onto Cesar Chavez. Runners will turn right onto American Royal Dr. then left onto State Line Rd, and the finish line.
Cars Will leave the aid station, and turn left onto Kansas Ave, get into the right lane, and turn right onto US 69 North. Exit right onto I-70 East, Exit left onto I-670. Then exit at 1B onto Genessee. Turn right, (South) onto Genessee till you get to HyVee Arena.
Finish at the HyVee Area, 1800 Genessee, Kansas City MO 64102